Today in things to make NFL fans feel just a little better…
An all time fave…
An Independent Patriots Blog
Today in things to make NFL fans feel just a little better…
An all time fave…
Reiss: On the scouting trail with Belichick
Great behind the scenes stuff here from Reiss, with some funny stories of what a visit from BB is like for NFL prospects. Not that it needs to be said, but clearly BB is passionate about footbal 24/7/365.
Great Patriots music video made by real fans! I don’t know if it makes me excited or depressed, but it’s instantly been added to the YouTube channel. Patriots-only visit/interview list
MUST READ ALERT! Good way to keep track of who the Pats have wanted a closer look at. It’s an interesting group of prospects, and I can certainly see why they’d want to see a little more up close and personal with guys like Christian Ballard (is he an underachiever despite great measurables?), Mark Herzlich (full in-house medical exam) and Phil Taylor (monster d-lineman with supposed character issues). Just because a visit happens doesn’t necessarily put him on the big board, as I think sometimes they just as often cross someone off as they keep him up there.
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So long to NFL football for the foreseeable future…
NFP/Fortenbaugh: Time for fans to go on strike
As the Players Union weighs the final “split the difference” offer from management we give you this little article from the National Football Post. It essentially says that the players and management both know the fans will be back whenever they get their crap together and that fans should take a stand.
If the players decertify and then this whole battle enters legal hell we’ll have to think long and hard about how it will effect operations here at the Ministry of PatsPropaganda.
(via Patriots Organized Team Activities – June 7, 2012)