It’s funny, didn’t everyone see this coming when all anyone could talk about was how old our linebackers were?
Brady’s looking shaggy, eh? As someone who has always hated their hair (I remember crying in fourth grade because kids made fun of my bowl cut) I’m kinda enjoying Brady making a bold statement here. These days the standard dude cut is the “short and spiky”, one that Brady rocked for a while.
Is Brady going for the full on long rocker doo? Hard to know if Gisele would allow that. This, coupled with his new helmet, are really throwing me off this year. Like it’s either going to be a Tom Brady resurgance, or we’re going to start longing for the short haired, Riddell-wearing Brady.
We say he buzzes it all off for the start of training camp.
NFLN: 3 “Ya Knows” in 39 seconds for Welker
NFLN: 3 “Ya Knows” in 39 seconds for Welker
All “ya know” kidding aside, I can’t believe how good Welker looks running through these drills.
NFLN: Patriots Reloading or ReBuilding?
NFLN: Patriots Reloading or ReBuilding?
Rod Woodson sums up how I feel pretty well, especially the mention of why the Steelers were consistently good during his time there despite turnover… they were well coached.
Patriots Schwag Hunt: The Boring Bomber Jacket
Unlike our usual finds on Patriots Schwag Hunt this one is for the casual boring fan. The kind of fan that says “I want to spend over $100 on some schwag, but I don’t want too many Patriots logos and stuff on it”. Sure, you might be a little bland in the personality department, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t some fan gear just for you.
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Welkers ACL
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Welkers ACL
I really have no clue when to expect Welka back now. Originally I thought it was possible he could miss the entire season. Then, after reports said he was doing well, I projected a return in late October against the Vikings. Then I backed it up to week six versus the Ravens. Now? I have no idea. The fact is that with 3 of their furst 4 games in the division the Patriots must must must get off to a good start. The week 5 bye might really help reset Welker if he plays the first four games. I think it’s a very good possibility, but first he’ll have to not be put on PUP at the start of training camp.
- 2006 AFCDG vs. SD Pregame
If you watched the highlight video of the Patriots-Chargers 2006 AFCDC these pictures will show you a little of what it was like to attend as a Patriots fan. Good times. Good times indeed.