I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a team quit like Dansby’s Cardinals did on that snowy day. The Patriots led 21-0 early in the second quarter, upped it to 31-0 at the half en route to a 47-7 win, and Dansby and his teammates couldn’t get out of there fast enough. But let’s blame it on the headset.
Quick-hitting thoughts on the New England Patriots, NFL – New England Patriots Blog – ESPN
I had the same thought as Reiss, the Cardinals never even got off the bus that day.
When you’re really good for a really long time, people want to come after you. We all support Tom, the whole Patriots organization supports Tom, and the Patriots fan base supports Tom. You can’t control what everybody else says or does, you can kind of just control what you can do. For me, everybody else is focused on this season and do the best you can.
Rob Ninkovich
What do you expect out of the offensive line this year
Along with the cornerbacks, this is the most interesting roster spot right now. I’m still holding a spot for Dan Connolly because really, if he was going to sign somewhere else he probably would’ve already so he could start getting assimilated. So I expect he’s on the veteran plan and will sign sometime between now and the start of training camp.
So in a perfect world I think we’ll be looking at Solder-Connolly-Stork-Jackson-Vollmer, perhaps with Wendell rotating in at RG depending on how quickly Jackson picks it up. Cannon/Fleming should work in as well in third tackle, tight end roles, while Shaq Mason is my wild card.
If/when Garoppolo has to start the first however many games, that’s where things get interesting because historically, the Pats offensive line hasn’t been exactly at their best in September. Brady can usually pull those games out, but he definitely has gotten plenty of punishment in the first month of the season the last few years overall.
Some of that certainly had to do with all the experimentation that happened last season after they had to adjust without Logan Mankins, so they just can’t afford to do that this year if Garoppolo is in there.
Especially against pressure defenses like the Steelers and Bills, they need some consistency. Garoppolo can get the ball out quick, but not if there’s immediate disruption, especially in the middle of the line.
So, look for them to try to find a starting five and stick with it in August. It’s imperative they have it down by opening day.
The good news is that once Brady returns the table should be set for him and the line should be in tune. If Brady’s suspension is reduced or eliminated, I’d still hope to see a definitive starting five on the line.
The biggest position battle to watch will be at right guard where Jackson, Wendell and Mason should all get some looks. If Connolly were to not re-sign, I’m not sure how it all comes together. That would be scary.
I know it’s basically a crapshoot but who are your starting 3 corners on opening day, assuming no injuries or additions to the current roster?
Bradley Fletcher at the defensive LCB, Malcolm Butler at RCB and Robert McClain in the slot (Hoodie have mercy on our souls). Chekwa and Logan Ryan are the wild cards on the outside and Swanson is in the slot. Or who knows, maybe one of the unknowns grabs the open opportunity by the balls.

We both agree that they will play more zone, mainly because of personnel so which zone coverages do you expect them to operate out of most of the time
Obviously it depends on the matchups but I think the base coverage will probably be Cover-3 Zone Robber, especially against the AFC East. That’s what they played mostly when Rodney Harrison was playing.
Against Peyton, Romo, Luck and maybe Eli we’ll probably see more Cover 2, mixing man and zone, with Harmon and McCourty over the top. However it will be off-man, not “we’re going to punish your receiver at the line” press man.
This directly relates to how the Chung/Harmon/Richards of it all plays out. I’ll be curious to see how their snap counts play out over the season.
What we won’t see much of is Cover-1 Press Man which was the coverage of choice last year. This is unfortunate because I enjoyed watching it so much.
@PatsPropaganda what would *really* be a reasonable punishment for what amounts to questionable at best evidence?
— Rick Starke (@rickstarke) May 15, 2015
It’s a very good question. The Wells Report Context site makes a pretty good argument about the Pats being cooperative and more importantly, that there’s the very strong possibility that there’s no real evidence the balls were even deflated. So if you have a unbiased scientist testify the balls were not tampered with, what is the NFL left with? Under this scenario is it out of line that the NFL should pay reparations to the Patriots for dragging the entire organization and one of the faces of the game through the mud?
Unfortunately not even I can imagine that scenario realistically happening. At this point I think the best we can hope for is a 1-2 game suspension for Brady (though I wouldn’t totally rule out him not missing a game), and a reduced fine. The draft picks kill me almost more than anything, especially the first-rounder. Those seem more related to Spygate than anything else. So get the picks back, make it a $500K fine, Brady misses a game for whatever reason and then we move on? That’s probably the conservative guess of what a federal court might rule. Goodell isnt’ knocking it down to that on his own unless this was all a plot for him to make himself look like the good guy.