Usually after a big playoff win I dive right into my analysis with the Pats Posits, my quick-hit piece laying out everything that stood out to me from the game. Well, not today.
That’s because after years of Bill Belichick Hoodie Database research, predictions of what he could and should wear, Belichick dropped the biggest bombshell of his Hoodie career on us against the Titans.
Last night as the game started I almost lost my mind as soon as the first shot of the coach crossed the screen at TKO Shea’s where we were doing some live broadcasting for Patshow. The tweets at me began almost immediately. While I wasn’t the only one to notice Belichick’s Hoodie, I was the only one who instantly realized what was happening:
He was wearing the Blue Reebok Hoodie, a hoodie he had not worn since 2011 and one that quite frankly I’m not sure he was allowed to wear given the NFL’s new sideline apparel deal with Nike.
I wasn’t positive at first. This season Fanatics released a replica of the original Reebok Hoodie, the one which Belichick was famous for, but I was just in the Patriots Pro Shop the other day and only saw the gray version, which is also the color he’s more known for.

2010 AFCDG
But as soon as I got a closer look, there was no doubt. It was the Reebok Hoodie after six long years. And most disturbing? That Belichick hadn’t worn this Blue Reebok Hoodie since in a playoff game since…wait for it… the 2010 AFC Divisional game against the Jets, the last time the Patriots failed to make the AFC Championship game. Had the Pats lost to the Titans that might be my main talking point, and the Blue Reebok Hoodie might’ve just found a special place in hell alongside the infamous red one.
It was almost too much to handle and even now I’m still processing how this could happen. It honestly felt like Belichick was specifically trolling me with his wardrobe choice. I thought last year’s choice to rip the Flying Elvis from his Hot Jacket was mind-boggling, but somehow, against the Titans, Belichick topped it.
Had this hoodie just been sitting in a drawer and he randomly just pulled it out? The wear and tear on it was clear, as was the distinctive “BB” on the front that was such a key part of his most famous hoodie.
Now, with the Pats winning in a blow out and headed back to the AFC Championship for the seventh-straight season, I’m almost giddy that Belichick broke out the hoodie he’s most famous for. That hoodie is why I started the database to begin with and I thought there was zero chance we’d ever see it again. It might not have been the gray one that he’s best known for, but there’s no doubt it was what it was.
Of course this now puts so much in play for the AFC Championship, could he wear it again? Or what other tricks does he have up his sleeve? Can we see the old Gray one again? Please?
Belichick will likely slide from Nike-related fines because the true Reebok nature of the hoodie was never revealed from underneath his winter jacket. But he sure had that winter jacket unzipped all game and wide enough for your faithful hoodie database curator to know exactly what he was wearing, as if he was taunting me with it.
In a week filled with “bombshell” reports, this was the ultimate bombshell for me.
Yeah, but what about the balaclava? That was some next level psych-out mojo!
Mike you know he wore that for you dude you’re the man!
Hahah right!?