You can’t watch the Patriots and not be impressed. They’ve scored in their last five games 196 points, which is 32 more than the Panthers have scored in 13 games this season. The team looks incredible, but the one thing that I would say is that these things go in cycles. And just because in Weeks 12 and 13 you look dominant does not ensure postseason success. I was talking to a head coach yesterday and we were talking about the Patriots and their dominance. And he goes, “They’re not as good as people are making them out to be.” I go, “No?” And he goes, “Every team has flaws, and they show up at different times.” The Patriots’ flaws have not shown up the last few weeks. They have not turned over the football in five weeks, which is an NFL record. At some point, the secondary is going to get beat, Brady’s going to get intercepted, there’s going to be a fumble from a running back. These things have not happened to them lately, and they will happen. All I’m saying is, because they’ve been so dominant the last two weeks, they’re not that good. Not that good. Not dominant. I may not pick against the Patriots from here through the Super Bowl. So, there’s going to be one week – maybe, maybe – when I’m wrong. Otherwise, I’ll be right every single week with this team.