Tom Brady 2014 Highlights
Thanks to @D_APats for the find.
(Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
Danny Amendola breaks down New England Patriots wide receivers – ESPN Boston
Danny Amendola breaks down New England Patriots wide receivers – ESPN Boston
Fun read with insight into the dynamic in the WR room.
The biggest takeaway from being around the Patriots is how loose they are, and Bill Belichick’s decision to cancel the team’s walkthrough on Saturday has contributed to the let’s-let-it-rip and have-some-fun feel among players. In that sense, this is the anti-2011 when things seemed a bit tighter.
Mike Reiss
Hope this translates to the game, though I’m not really sure why they were tight for SB46.
Quick-hit thoughts around New England Patriots, NFL – ESPN Boston
This video is the perfect thing to watch a thousand times this weekend, recapping the ups and downs of the 2014 Patriots. They’ve overcome a lot and become one of the best Patriots teams of recent memory. They’ll be ready to go for this Super Bowl.
(Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
Special request from @PatsCheer! #WhosGonnaWin
(Source: https://vine.co/)
Since the start of the regular season, the New England defense has maintained a turnover bag, where footballs that have been accumulated over the course of the year have piled up. A sack of footballs — actually, two bags full, right now, reside in a defensive meeting room at Gillette Stadium — souvenirs of a memorable year for the Patriots defense.