Measuring the Impact of Rob Gronkowski on Tom Brady, Patriots Offense | Bleacher Report – Erik Frenz
Two-for Wednesday with Frenz, and another great read on the Gronk from him. Easy to say it now, forget Brady, Gronk is that Pats’ offensive MVP.
An Independent Patriots Blog
Measuring the Impact of Rob Gronkowski on Tom Brady, Patriots Offense | Bleacher Report – Erik Frenz
Two-for Wednesday with Frenz, and another great read on the Gronk from him. Easy to say it now, forget Brady, Gronk is that Pats’ offensive MVP.
As expected today was “Pile on the Patriots Defense” day by all those who seemed shocked that this group of rookies and second/third year players are not instantly a shutdown defense. Yes, letting the Bills put up as much offense as they did was a little scary, but not entirely unexpected, unless you still thought Tedy Bruschi, Rodney Harrison, Ty Law and Willie McGinest were […]