An 11-minute 2010 Patriots highlight film for a Wednesday night. Why not.
An Independent Patriots Blog
An 11-minute 2010 Patriots highlight film for a Wednesday night. Why not.
A week or so ago I dubbed the hat below as the new “holy grail of Patriots swag” and I also predicted, despite prices on ebay that ranged from $80 – $199 (no I’m not even making this up) that:
I expect to make one of these beauties my 2011 hat. Watch me make it happen. For under $30. I promise you.
Well guess what folks, I don’t just talk the talk of an uber Patriots blogger, I walk the swag walk, and today I found and purchased this exact hat on Ebay. The price? $29. Am I good or what?
And the best part? None of my money went to the NFL!
Happy 3-day-early birthday present to me!
The NFL and FKA-NFLPA will resume mediated negotiations on Thursday and for the first time in a month there’s a small glimmer of hope that maybe the lockout won’t drag into the summer.
Amidst reports this morning that traffic for and interest in the draft is down this year among the non-diehards (or die-easy’s) it’s clear that some fans are losing interest, whether it’s intentional or not.
But for the most part, we the fans are left to sit on the sideline like we usually do and not-so-patiently await an agreement. Other than refusing to buy anything NFL related, there really isn’t much we can do.
However I believe the greatest statement we the fans can make is by boycotting the draft in New York City. The NFL clearly loves the raucous atmosphere that the fans create in Radio City Music Hall every April, and it plays a huge part in making the draft a “primetime” event.
Even Commissioner Goodell always gives the fans a shout out when he kicks off the draft ceremony, saying something to the effect of “alright NFL fans this is the moment you’ve all been waiting for”.
But imagine for a second an empty, silent Radio City as the Commish takes the podium. The upper rafters devoid of all the passionate fans from all thirty two teams. No cheers. No boos from Jets fans. Just a collection of empty seats as team officials scramble on the main floor below.
Now I know that attending the draft is a tradition for many NFL fans. Draft weekend used to be one of my most favorite traditions, but that didn’t stop the NFL from screwing it all up in the name of revenue. Far be it from me to suggest that people ruin their plans just to send a message.
So to those fans who still plan to attend despite the current state of affairs in the NFL, I’d suggest simply being silent for the first overall pick. Sit there in silence when the Commish takes the podium and let Cam Newton’s marriage to the Carolina Panthers be one that takes place to a soundtrack of dead quiet.
There’s really no better way to send a message to not only the NFL, but to every single person who tunes in on TV. The fans are no longer cheering.
Here’s the latest mock draft from Wes Bunting and I like 3 of the 4 picks he gives the Pats:
Ayers is the only one I take issue with, and I know a lot of other Pats fans out there share my sentiment. One thing that is an absolute must to play for the Patriots is to be tough and physical and I have yet to see any digital video (because who’s really watching video tape anymore honestly?) where he demonstrates that he possesses those traits.
He seems like a good athlete, and can make some plays, but I just don’t see him as a dominating presence who is ready for trench warfare against offensive lineman. We’re seeing Ayers go to the Jets in a lot of mocks and I’d be both shocked and happy to see that.
Ayers seems like an example of taking someone who has the physical dimensions and putting him on a team with a need for a 3-4 OLB. I hope the Patriots stay away…
Piece by piece we’re putting together most of the video from last night’s Brady 6 special. I’m sure it will all be up on the internets at some point, but for now this will have to do.
After that Brady 6 documentary I have the need, the need for some TFB!!!!
File this somewhere between “not gonna happen anyway” and “who cares”, but here it is…
August 13: Jacksonville Jaguars
August 20: @ Tampa Bay Buccaneers
August 27: @ Detroit Lions
September 1: New York Giants
Oh Felger and Mazz. Look, the only things I really listen to are BB and TB’s interviews each week, and even lately I’ve stopped listening to those due to D&C and BB no longer giving anything of interest to Salk and Holley unless he’s calling them out for asking dumb questions. All the other stuff […]