Bruschi/Reiss Offseason Podcast
If you’ve been your Patriots cave of shame every since the playoff loss this great podcast with Tedy Bruschi and Mike Reiss will get you caught up to speed.
An Independent Patriots Blog
Bruschi/Reiss Offseason Podcast
If you’ve been your Patriots cave of shame every since the playoff loss this great podcast with Tedy Bruschi and Mike Reiss will get you caught up to speed.
“I have Brooks Reed of Arizona going in the late first,” Kiper said. “You would have thought second. But I’ll say late first.” Reed’s stock is soaring after an outstanding ten-yard split at the Combine. We’d guess he’ll go in the mid to late 20s on April 28, but it isn’t out of the question for New England to fall in love with the Clay Matthews clone and pick him 17th.“
Mel Kiper
(so take it with the proverbial Mel Kiper Grain of Salt)
The Patriots are having Miami DL Allen Bailey in for a visit this week. Check out Erik Frenz’ article here for a little more about him. The more I see of him the more I like him. Here’s some film:
I came across the Brady “dance” video on Monday and decided not to post it because it’s not really my style to throw the QB I love under the bus. Especially since my own dance moves are similarly embarrassing.
Of course it went viral on Tuesday and it even forced Charlie “Winning” Sheen into the pop culture back seat. What can we do, almost all the non-draft NFL news out there right now is pretty depressing.
So for all you out there who got a chuckle at TFB’s expense, I’ll let Ren McCormick issue my retort…
WEEI/Bean: How Watt can fall to Patriots
DJ Bean lays out a scenario where the Pats could get JJ Watt, but at this point, with all the buzz that is surrounding him post-combine, I’m feeling less and less optimistic that he’d be there at 17. The other factor is that while Watt seems like a great 3-4 fit I could even see him being a good fit for a 4-3 team. He’s that athletic and versatile.
So do yourself a favor and don’t get too attached, plus there’s not even a guarantee BB would take him even if he was there.
New features in Madden ‘12: Lockout Edition
Franchise Mode
BSMW: New Michael Holley/Patriots Book Coming!
I have a dream that someday, long after BB retires, he’ll write a tell all opus that goes into great detail about his time with the Patriots. Because he is such a collector of football books, and has such an appreciation for the history of the game, I really want to believe that he’ll want to leave behind an inside look at his first ballot Hall of Fame coaching career.
Until that time we’ll have to do with other insider accounts, and after giving us Patriot Reign, it looks like Michael Holley has a new book coming out October 4th, 2011, entitled “War Room”.
Here are some details that Bruce Allen at BSMW tracked down:
Sports commentator and bestselling author Michael Holley will follow three NFL teams from training camp 2010, through the Super Bowl, and into the April draft, providing a new look at Belichick’s influence, which has now spread from the Patriots to other teams, particularly the KC Chiefs and the Atlanta Falcons.
A little further down, it expands on the description:
This is a football book with three central characters: Patriots head coach Bill Belichick, Chiefs general manager Scott Pioli, and Falcons general manager Thomas Dimitroff.
Michael Holley will follow Belichick, Pioli, and Dimitroff through the entire 2010 season—from training camp 2010, through the Super Bowl, and into the April draft—exploring the personal connections of the three men and the increasing influence of the Patriot way. Belichick and Pioli have been friends since the 1980s, when Belichick was a young coordinator for the New York Giants. They worked together in Cleveland, New York (Jets) and New England. In 2008, Pioli left for Kansas City to build a Midwestern Patriots model. A year before Pioli left, Dimitroff was the surprising top GM choice of the Falcons, who dreamed of building Patriots South in Atlanta.
The culmination of the narrative will be all three men preparing their teams for the lifeblood of the NFL, which is the draft, as all three franchises seek to improve themselves through similar philosophies but perhaps different strategies.
We know that Holley got some great access for Patriot Reign, so this is an exciting development and should make for a great read. Things I’m most interested to read about:
Should be a great read. Can’t wait to get my paws on it…
Patriots make a series of roster moves And so it begins… The next six days will obviously be fascinating, and really the game might be one of the least interesting parts. This is prime Patriots bombshell time, so hold on to your seats, who knows what the team will look like one week from today. […]