Today the Pats extended Josh Kline, who has followed a tried and true path from practice squad offensive lineman, to spot starter, to solid starter. Kline is arguably the most improved player on the Patriots offense this season and was probably the only key free agent next offseason.
Of course the contracts that are on everyone’s mind are those of Chandler Jones, Dont’a Hightower and Jamie Collins, who are all free agents in 2017. The Pats have plenty of cap space, as essentially this year and next we’ll keep the current defense intact and then they can pick who they want to keep and who they want to let go.
Some are skeptical that Chandler can be kept but I think if we look at Belichick’s history it shows that defensive linemen are really what he values most, so don’t rule out the Pats giving Chandler a big deal.

First consider that all the defensive linemen Belichick has drafted in the first round have received sizable extensions. Richard Seymour had his contract squabbles but the Pats still held onto him for eight seasons before sending him to Oakland. This included a three-year, $30million extension in 2006.
Then there’s Ty Warren who received a five-year, $35 million extension the year before his rookie deal expired.
And Vince WIlfork got 5-years, $40 million in 2010. That he even got to the end of his rookie deal was a surprise.
Also consider linebacker contract extensions Belichick gave out: Vrabel (2005, 5 years, $16.4 million), Bruschi (2004, three years, $4.6 million (!!!!!!)), Mayo (2011, 5 years, $48.5 million). Or consider the 5-year, $35 million they gave Adalius Thomas in free agency, the biggest free agency whiff of the Belichick era, but still one that shows big money going to a defensive front seven spot.
All of these deals were significant money (except for Bruschi and Vrabel who embodied “team-friendly” deals) and though none saw the end of their deals, it shows that defensive line and linebacker positions are where the Patriots are willing to pay.
Everyone might scoff at how many good players have walked from New England over the years, but there isn’t a single good defensive linemen or linebacker who has gotten away and it doesn’t take a football pundit to recognize that these are the positions Belichick values most.
So don’t assume Chandler Jones
is walking after 2016. The more likely scenario is that he receives a three-to-five year extension this offseason that will still give him a chance to cash in on another contract. That’s the one that will be with another team and he’ll likely underperform how much he gets at that point in his career.
With no pending monster quarterback deal to give out any time soon, the Patriots have an incredible amount of flexibility as they head toward 2017. Jones, Hightower and Collins can all be retained, and if you add in McCourty (signed through 2019), Easley, Malcom Brown, and Sheard and all the pieces are in place at the most important spots on the defense.
The real guy to be concerned over is Malcolm Butler in 2017.