We’re very excited to announce that PatsPropaganda is partnering with NRG again this season as part of the Social Media Ambassador program! If you were following us last year you know we had a ton of giveaways of tickets and Pats swag and we can’t wait to do it all over again.
Last year we also put together a roaming band of Pats fans along with myself, Nick “Fitzy” Stevens, Gerry Thornton and George Kippenhan (aka the “other guy” from the Fitzy videos), and we’re planning on doing something similar this season.
It’s also important that we’re really proud to be partnering with a forward-thinking energy company like NRG, who are focused on renewable energy sources like solar, wind, geothermal and hydroelectric. Just like their solar panels at Gillette Stadium capture energy, NRG knows how to capture fans’ energy and we’ll be a big part of that once again this season.
So stay tuned to all the PatsPropaganda social media outlets for chances to win all kinds of awesome stuff!