Hernando has actually had a pretty good game. Caught some errant Brady passes that were off the mark.
An Independent Patriots Blog
Hernando has actually had a pretty good game. Caught some errant Brady passes that were off the mark.
Back to back Hernando posts, what’s gotten into me? But seriously folks, how much better is he as an 81? No contest. That’s why he gave 85 to 85 for free.
Everyone love how Ocho didn’t make a big deal out of his TD? Just put the ball down and jogged to the sideline. That’s the Patriot Way folks.
They will heretoforth be known as the New England Patriots Football Machine.
Aaron Hernandez talks about getting laid out by Patchung! yesterday…
During the Patriots long and storied dynasty run since winning the Super Bowl in 2001, there have been plenty of rivals to rise and fall. Peyton Manning and the Colts were first. The Baltimore Ravens were second, and now it’s the Denver Broncos. Part of that is Peyton Manning’s years, but even before Manning the […]