ARTICLE: Sports Illustrated Gives Patriots A 10 On “Hateablilty Scale.”
Good. And they’re going to hate us even more after what we do to the NFL this year.
An Independent Patriots Blog
ARTICLE: Sports Illustrated Gives Patriots A 10 On “Hateablilty Scale.”
Good. And they’re going to hate us even more after what we do to the NFL this year.
Rapsheet: Thoughts on Bill Belichick’s A Football Life
I can’t believe I still have to wait a week to see this thing.2009 is really an interesting season for this to happen during, perhaps the only year of the BB reign where the magic was just missing.
Trying to rank my excitement for it, I’d put it over the draft, and probably a regular season game, but definitely below a playoff game. Can’t wait…
The relationship between Tom Brady and Belichick comes through so strong in this film. When Belichick needs someone to lean on on the sidelines, it’s Brady. After the Saints loss, for instance, Belichick walks over to Brady and commiserates, saying, “We have no mental toughness, we can’t play the way we need to play, I just can’t get them to play the way they need to play on a week-to-week basis. It’s so (expletive) frustrating.” And Brady responds with a knowing, “We got our (expletive) kicked.” But it’s like Brady is half-coach. So much trust there.
You guys ready for some fun this weekend?
SI/Tim Layden: Whatever happened to tackling?
Some really interesting stuff in here from Tim Layden, including some quotes from BB.
It’s a good time to watch the Belichick Life in Football teaser trailer again. I think we might have to make a special event out of the premiere.
Some early Sunday game thoughts… – I like the Chiefs, but I hate Todd Haley. Hoping this season gets him fired so I can feel better about rooting for Cassel’s team. – Looks like the early season dark horse buzz surrounding Buffalo might be legit. – Weird how a lot of teams that were good […]