Danny Amendola. That is all.
An Independent Patriots Blog
Danny Amendola. That is all.
By all accounts Amendola is having a heck of a camp.
The Patriots were back at it on Tuesday in full pads as the injuries are starting to open up some opportunities for other players and, unfortunately, we had our first player of the summer carted off. Hopefully it’s nothing too serious for Brian Tyms. Here are the tweets that stood out.
Absent from practice: Flynn, Slater, LaFell, Gaffney, White, Fletcher, Cannon, Wendell, Hauptmann, Vellano, Derby, Chris Jones and Branch
— Mark Daniels (@MarkDanielsPJ)
Malcolm Butler just made a leaping, diving interception off of Tom Brady on a pass for Josh Boyce. Butler continues making big plays.
— Erik Frenz (@ErikFrenz)
J. Edelman just walked into the field house. He was out here earlier, looked to be moving ok. But he tweaked right ankle/foot on Sunday.
— Derek Havens (@PatriotsHaven)
Tyms looks badly hurt during a 1-on-1 tackling drill. Getting carted off. Drill went on around him as he lay on the ground.
— Jeff Howe (@jeffphowe)
With Edelman out, Amendola saw a lot of targets and made the most out of it. He looked good.
— Mark Daniels (@MarkDanielsPJ)
All he does is catch touchdowns. @DannyAmendola at #PatsCamp @Patriots pic.twitter.com/FdkhwuxCkp
— Josh Gross (@JoshuaBGross)
Defense had the edge again today. Held offense out of end zone on 3 straight goal line plays.
— Paul Perillo (@pfwpaul)
Players gather in big huddle at end of practice and Willie McGinest addresses them. Big cheer. #Patriots
— Mike Reiss (@MikeReiss)
Julian Frances Edelman and Daniel James Amendola ??
What I do think they need is a little more to go around them,” Light said. “They need that young guy to go in on third down and get them off the field. BostonHerald.com – Blogs: The Blitz» Blog Archive » Matt Light discusses how Patriots can improve on defense