We’re not handing you the keys just yet…
An Independent Patriots Blog
We’re not handing you the keys just yet…
Garoppolo, the second-round pick and potential quarterback of the future, was impersonating the uniquely vivacious special teams coordinator Scotty O’Brien, and by all accounts, Garoppolo orchestrated the most entertaining rookie skit of this annual rite of summer.
It’s just an experience that he needs to go through – to feel like he’s going to start the game [and] he’s going to be in the game for every situation – second down, third down, goal-line, red area, two-minute, whatever it is, he has to be prepared for everything and handle whatever it is that comes up,“ Belichick said. “This is also a week that he’ll have to deal with the media, deal with the production meeting before the game, I’m sure the fans will have plenty of insults for him when he walks out on the field. It’s an away game. It’s all the things that a quarterback eventually will do as a starting quarterback. Whenever that happens, I have no idea, but whenever it does happen, at least he will have done it once before. I think there is something to be learned here. Ryan [Mallett] has been here three-and-a-half years and Tom’s done it a couple hundred times. This is an opportunity for Jimmy to get that experience and I’m sure he’ll learn from it.
Patriots’ Future Should Start Now with Garoppolo Winning Top Backup Job | SportsBlog.com
New post is up at SportsBlog, taking a closer look at why Mallett is expendable even if he had a slight edge over Garoppolo, which I’m not sure he does. Preseason experience doesn’t count for much.
Garoppolo, who has thrown a few interceptions in practice, said some of the main advice he’s received from Brady is to take a “next play” mentality when things don’t go as planned.
The rookie signal-caller, meanwhile, showed some growing pains down in the red zone and on the goal line. He waited for windows to open as the light pass rush circled. He overthrew a few open windows, including one to wideout Brandon LaFell. And he ultimately threw a pair of interceptions to special-teams linebacker Chris White and first-year cornerback Daxton Swanson.
Observations from the Second Day of Patriots Training Camp | NEPatriotsDraft.com – 2014 NFL Draft
Important not to read too much into Garoppolo this early, but he should start to build some momentum. Looking forward to seeing how he moves the offense in the preseason.
It was yet another crazy week in the NFL this past weekend, it seems like the goal of parity has finally been reached. When you look at the league wide standings there are no undefeated teams left and a log jam of teams with 1 or two losses. 20 of the 32 NFL teams are […]