Chad Ochocinco on Hard Knocks Special: New England = F’ing Wow
An Independent Patriots Blog
Chad Ochocinco on Hard Knocks Special: New England = F’ing Wow
PFW previews the 2011 New England Patriots
Giving Patchung some love!
Does anyone want our Brandon Tater Tot?
In case you didn’t actually believe that last quote from Haynesworth here’s the video of it.
“[Fellow former Redskins defensive lineman Andre Carter and I] were talking, just about how different it is, how we really like this place,” said Haynesworth. “For me, it’s a career-saving place for me to come. I had no idea it would be like this. It’s unbelievable. I wish I kinda took two years ago and came here.”
When it was noted he earned a handsome payday for his time – as turbulent as it was – with the Redskins, Haynesworth added, “You know what, when all is said and done, hell, I’d give that money back and I’d come here.”
Haynesworth started for New England and got tremendous penetration on the first snap which led to a New York fumble. Haynesworth finished with two tackles overall.
“It was great,” said Haynesworth. “I need to knock off a lot of rust. I’ve kind of been just rusting, sitting in D.C. So, I need to get back, get back to that playing form when I was with the Titans.”
While rhapsodizing about the depth on the defensive line, suggesting it was better than during his best days in Tennessee, and noting how that will allow him to “play as hard as I possibly can,” Haynesworth raved about Bill Belichick’s defensive schemes and called him a “brilliant coach.” He also praised the support he’s received in New England.
“Everybody is here for you,” Haynesworth said when a reporter noted he seemed relaxed while addressing the media for only the second time since arriving. “I really enjoy that. I know my head coach is for me. I know my owner is for me. I know my players are for me. I feel relaxed, I’m having fun again. I’m having fun playing football again.”
Patriots v. Giants Preseason Highlights
In case you care…
USA Today: Plethora of Belichick footage prompted documentary
Would you say we have a plethora of footage, NFL Films?
Rodgers says, outside of games, NFL Films only requested to film about 40% of Belichick’s job — “football on a daily basis can be boring” — and captured scenes of Belichick actually “joking.” Who knew?
Ugh, everyone. Are there really people out there who still think BB is a humorless troglodyte? Whatever, I’m so pumped for this doc in 13 days. I just wish they could’ve separated it from the start of the season, because I will be on Patriots excitement overload that week.
Tom Brady’s Top 10 NFL Playoff Moments [2010] – YouTube (Source: