New Tom Brady highlight film
An Independent Patriots Blog
New Tom Brady highlight film
What I love most about this picture is knowing that the Colts lost this game. So all the hours that went into making this “adult diorama” were for naught and everyone standing around it was miserable three hours later.
On a serious note, minus the cheating shit this is pretty much exactly what my wake will look, as decreed in my Will. Minus the Colts fans too. Obviously.
It will be mine… oh yes it will be mine….
First AFC Championship for the Pats
Thoughts? I’m not running out to buy either. I continue to lobby for a job as a NFL swag designer. Every year they just throw on some random new lines and expect us fans to be impressed. Honestly, I’ll take the cheesy throwback swag from the 80’s over this stuff. Only thing I will say is that I like the fitting of the shirt. But that’s about it.
Of course this will all change once I see the actual Patriots on the sideline wearing this stuff. Then I’ll have to have it.
Frenz: 5 Worst Case Free Agency Scenarios for Patriots
Frenz plays Debbie Downer today with the worst case scenarios the Pats could face next week when the Free Agency craziness begins (I hope). He hits the ball carrier dead facemask to chest with the Mankins/Light of it all. That is by far the biggest and perhaps only realistic place the Pats could stand to take a hit. Which of course would result in Tom Brady taking hits.
I’m sure they won’t be cutting Nick Kaczur before they know what’s going to happen with Light and Mankins no matter how much they’ll have to pay him. Let’s not forget it was Kaczur who was at LG filling in for Mankins before Connolly. But that will leave Solder to potentially start at LT and that gets a grade A “EEEEEEEK”, especially with Cameron Wake on deck for week one, followed by the always pressure packed Charger defense.
Given the choice I’d probably let Light go over Mankins for obvious age, talent, long term replacement and mauler reasons, but in the short term that’s definitely the tougher fix. We’ve seen in the past that BB will not hesitate to rip the band aid off when he knows a certain players window is closing (see Seymour), especially when there’s a high round draft pick behind him (don’t see Seymour).
Still we’ve been saying since we projected Solder as a Patriots pick before the draft that he’d need time. I’m just not sure if he’s going to get it. Otherwise we could be seeing some Mark Levoir at LT.
Ideally you get Light back on a one year deal, but the writing for him is on the wall. Actually about six feet, seven inches up the wall. Solder is the future. It’s doubtful Light would take a short term deal from the Pats and it’s even more doubtful that someone wouldn’t offer him a longer contract for more money. This is the last big contract he will get, he’ll want to maximize what he can get. Rumors have been floated that he already turned the Pats down just before the lockout madness began.
I still have hope that Mankins will be back for at least this season. Beyond that it’s doubtful. It will play out fast and furious, stay tuned…
Stallworth: Brady paid practice squad players if they intercepted him Somebody gonna cry about Brady doing this. Like a reverse Bountygate, right?