Branch is Back and wearing #84. Notice that scar on his knee, don’t remember that when being there when he left…
An Independent Patriots Blog
Branch is Back and wearing #84. Notice that scar on his knee, don’t remember that when being there when he left…
Patriots History Tuesdays: Super Bowl 39 Highlights
In honor of the return of Deion Branch, today we present highlights from Super Bowl 39. One of the things that most impressed me with Branch in this game were the number of difficult catches he made and hung on to. I know Branch is not the same player he once was, but the ability to hold on to the ball is not something that goes away with age. I’m sure Coach Belichick will put Deion in position to make best use of what his talents are now.
This week more than usual was an exercise in asking questions you know won’t get answered the way you want them to. Dennis and Callahan do their best to make their interview with Brady unlistenable, but Brady’s ability to dance around their stupid questions saves the day.
The Belichick WEEI interviews are always must-listen. Usually the hosts (Ordway, Deossie, Smerlas) ask pretty good questions, and Belichick is relaxed and a little more open than his usual press conference appearances.
This week we get a heavy dose of Randy Moss questions, but no real new insight or information. Shocking, I know. I don’t know why the hosts of these shows don’t just stop wasting their time asking things like ‘any news on the Logan Mankins front’, which has become a running joke on Belichick’s weekly spot.
Dennis and Callahan still seem to think that they’ll get Brady to crack one of these days and say something to the effect of “yeah guys, Randy Moss was a locker room cancer and I’m glad he’s gone”.
If you listen to just one, make it Belichick’s…
ESPN’s Adam Schefter reports that Deion Branch has been traded back to the Patriots for a 4th round pick. Any predictions what number Deion wears (Welker’s got 83 now)? I say 13.
Branch is definitely on the down slope of this career but should be able to contribute in a lot of areas. Biggest of which could be leadership. And I’m sure Brady will be excited to have his OWW (Original Wes Welker) back.
Rapoport: Branch to Pats Back on the Frontburner
Ian Rapoport of the Boston Herald reports that there might be some movement coming with the Deion Branch back to the Pats trade. It’s interesting to me that it’s taking so long to make this happen, would’ve thought it would happen last week if it was going to happen. I think it’d be a great move to bring Deion back, just for some veteran leadership for the young WRs, and maybe he can reignite some of that chemistry that he had with Tom Brady.
A friendly reminder of what happened the last time the Ravens came to Foxboro…
I’m not a big “revenge” guy, but I’m sure the lowlights will provide some motivation for the Patriots this week. I think most of us can agree that the Ravens are solid football team that we respect. Pats will need to bring it this week.
I feel real good,” Gostkowski said. “From where I was, having surgery and on crutches for a couple weeks, you’re pretty down then but you progress every day. They (the doctors and trainers) reiterate to me that they see no problems moving forward and you just have to trust them. I’m not scared to get […]