Big day coming from this guy tomorrow.
An Independent Patriots Blog
Big day coming from this guy tomorrow.
Earlier we wrote a detailed “macro” overview of what we took away from part one of Bill Belichick: A Football Life. Of course one post is never enough to talk about all the delightfulness that the program contained so here are some other thoughts and observations on the little moments and minutiae.
– When BB talks about matching up against Josh McDaniels he points out that the Broncos would run the Patriots offense. Yet I find it funny that the Broncos came out and immediately went to the “Wild Horses” formation from the first play of the game. That’s not the Patriots offense.
– It seems like BB can almost give his non-answers to the media without even pausing to think about it or care anymore.
– I love Mr. Kraft and Jonathan for giving the kind of freedom BB needs to run the team his way, but I couldn’t help but feel like BB was annoyed every time Mr. Kraft asked him questions. Mr. Kraft still seemed very much like a fan to me at times, which is a good thing, but it also seemed to grate on people’s nerves sometimes. Like when he asked Richard Seymour if this was the most talented Patriots team in his time. What? The 2009 Patriots? Um, no Mr. Kraft. Not even close. Not on paper, not on the field. Not before the season or after it. But I’m pretty sure Seymour didn’t know it either, otherwise he might’ve known he could end up somewhere like Oakland just a couple weeks later.
– It sure seems like Brian Belichick is looking to follow in the family business, eh?
– Brady was kinda whiny during that Buffalo game huh?
– If BB was already preaching about playing with enthusiasm before week one it seems pretty clear he foresaw the team’s lack of it as a potential problem. Despite his efforts the season still went down the tubes because of it.
– I didn’t care for Derrick Mason before, I cared for him even less after the show, and now that he’s crying about it just for publicity he’s officially hit the bottom of the list for me. Works out nicely though because he’s on the Jets.
– Is it just me or was the Ed Reed stuff awkwardly uncomfortable? It reminded me of some dude pining over a super hot girl that is totally out of his league.
– Really kinda pissed at the producers for making BB cry before the week two Jets game. Not that he hadn’t already told everyone what couldn’t be allowed to happen, but still.
– It was fun to hear BB hammer home the point about not beating the good teams in the AFC in 2008 when I had hammered that point home many times myself on the blog.
Bill Belichick: A Football Life – Meet Bill Belichick
Sorry these are out of order, here’s the opening act,
Bill Belichick: A Football Life – Take Away Moss Deep, Come Up on Welker and we’re done. We’re Done.
Bill Belichick: A Football Life – Belichick’s Execution
Bill Belichick: A Football Life – A Trip Down Memory Lane
Of course we couldn’t let Chargers week pass without posting some highlights of the last time the Patriots won a playoff game. Wait, did I really just write that? Seems like forever ago. That will change this year.
This morning I took a look at the overall defensive performance via the coaches film for the Patriots defense vs. the Saints after yesterday breaking down two specific plays that really allowed the offense to pull away at the end of the first half. Overall I think this was a vastly improved performance by the […]