Big news! This past week I signed on to be a Content Producer for Yes, THE Patriots. After nine years of PatsPropaganda and 12 seasons blogging Pats, I’m going to work in the mothership.
It’s as surreal for me as you can imagine it might be. When I look back on how it all started it’s crazy the way it all came together. A few days later and it’s still just slowly sinking in. I’m grateful to Fred Kirsch for giving me a shot. I can’t wait to jump in and put all my Pats passion into the team full time, in all the ways I’ve been trying to do for the past decade.
After making the announcement on Twitter, the outpouring of support was overwhelming. I so appreciate the people who have been reading my stuff since the start and supporting my work. Thank you! You are why I did it and why I could never stop.
Many of you know exactly how long I’ve been at this and that makes it extra special to share it with you, along with my family.
The good news is that you’re a fan of this blog then you’re going to get more of my kind of content. And instead of doing it during slow periods around the office or in-between all-nighter video shoots, I’ll be focusing all my time and energy on it.
All of my wildest Patriots dreams are coming true and I hope to use it to make great stuff you will all enjoy!
There will be just another post or two here but starting Monday you will find all my content at Yes, I’m sitting on all my camp-related observations until they explode.