Why does everyone always wanna talk about my hair?
An Independent Patriots Blog
Why does everyone always wanna talk about my hair?
If you’ve never been to the Hall at Patriots Place you’re really missing out.
I was kind of pulling for Patchung! here but oh well. Say what you will about the Patriots drafts but every single captain was drafted by BB. Excited for McCourty and Slater, who has slowly won me over after a couple years of being miscast as a kick returner who subscribed to the “just put my head down and run straight into oncoming defenders” style of returns.
The New Tom Brady “Footsteps” Uggs Ad
That’s some fancy footwork in there. Best acting of TFB’s career, because he didn’t say anything.
A little video to pass the time. 2 hours and change till the Draft! (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)