tom brady
High school Tom Brady. I’m sure there are plenty of ladies that would line up to give anything for him to go back to this hair style.
We’re easing our way back into things after a nice vacation on Martha’s Vineyard and we’re firing back up the manual posts with this incredibly well done Tom Brady video. I think I caught a whiff of football in the air today, anyone else?
Tom Brady draft scouting report
Every time I read about all the negative things teams had to say about Brady coming out of the draft I flashback to the last three playoff losses and think, ‘well they weren’t totally wrong"
And just think, He was drafted #199 in the 6th round because he “lacked great physical stature and strength”, “lacks mobility and ability to avoid the rush”, ” does not throw a really tight spiral”, and “a system type play that could get exposed if forced to ad-lib” [quotes source]