I was going to have everyone vote on what the best fan highlight video of the year was but the reality is that this one was going to win no matter what. For other great Patriots vids I suggest you check out our YouTube page. But this one has earned a permanent place amongst the Favorites.
tom brady
Brady wins 2010 NFL MVP
While Belichick winning Coach of the Year really gave me a new appreciation of the 2010 Patriots season, I’m left kind of feeling blah about Brady’s MVP. Maybe it’s because he had such a stinker in the playoffs, something that was confirmed around the Super Bowl this week by the many football analysts and pundits out there. From Mike Reiss:
When the topic was the team’s playoff loss to the Jets, there was one overriding theme: Tom Brady took the team far during the regular season, but he didn’t look like himself in the playoff loss. When looking at where things broke down in that game, Brady was where most analysts started. One opinion that stood out was that Brady is usually so mentally tough that he can overcome mistakes, but some felt his first-quarter interception put him in a funk that he couldn’t recover from. “He didn’t look right,” was the common refrain.
This interview with Michael Lombardi did make me feel just a little bit better. The fact is that while this season ended in disappointment just like 31 other teams did or will, we had a better four month regular season than anyone else. No we didn’t win a Super Bowl, but it was a magical season while it lasted with lots of amazing and exciting football. 2010 was just more proof that as long as BB and TFB are around the Patriots are going to be a contender.
Some Patriots nuggets from The BS Report with Dilfer
Couple interesting things to pass along after listening to yesterday’s BS Report with guest Trent Dilfer. Of course talk turned to the Patriots playoff loss to the Jets, and Dilfer was pretty harsh on Brady’s performance. Dilfer said that in grading Brady for the game he had him with 14 minuses, the most he had ever given Brady before that was 4.
He said at times Branch and Welker were wide open but that Brady just couldn’t find them. They speculated that maybe Brady’s foot was really bothering him, or maybe he was sick, or maybe he was just spooked from how the game started, but Dilfer thought it was a shockingly bad performance from Brady. I’d argue for or against it but I haven’t seen a single lowlight of the game since it ended. Maybe someday this spring I’ll finally be able to check it out and confirm or deny these reports.
Another interesting thing was that it seems like everyone who watched the game are still completely divided as to whether or not Chung would’ve gotten the first down had he not botched the snap. Dilfer seemed assured that he would’ve gotten the first down and a “huge gain”. Merrill “Factorback” Hoge thought Eric Smith would’ve stopped him. They even called in a bunch of PAs to see what they thought and they were divided too. I guess it will remain one of the great mysteries of Patriots lore.
Tom Brady’s NFL Network Interview
Tom Brady’s NFL Network Interview
Always good to see TFB after the season. And no he hasn’t cut his hair yet.
Tom Brady wins 2010 NFL Offensive Player of the Year
Welp, it doesn’t really take any of the sting of how the season ended out, but congrats to TFB on an epic season. It was fun while it lasted.
This makes me feel just a wee bit better about the Super Bowl this weekend. In da face!