A Patriots PSA from the New England Relief Fund – YouTube
Thanks to @MellyHocking for sending this my way! The struggle is real!
An Independent Patriots Blog
A Patriots PSA from the New England Relief Fund – YouTube
Thanks to @MellyHocking for sending this my way! The struggle is real!
And with his #Patriots version of the SUICIDE SQUAD trailer Tyson King has his mic dropper hype video.
This. Is. Awesome.
Rob Gronkowski is Thor (Superhero Sports – Gronk Edition) – YouTube
The thing is, super heroes all have a weakness. I’m not sure Gronk does.
Edelman drops a new hype video. Between America’s Game last night, this today and Do Your Job tonight I’m not sure I can handle much more of this. (via ON TO 2015 – YouTube)
2004 AFC Championship: New England Patriots vs. Pittsburgh Steelers
I’m just gonna leave this here…
2003 New England Patriots: Super Bowl XXXVIII Champions (FULL) – YouTube
What a crazy Super Bowl this was! And this was the season when it became apparent the Pats weren’t going anywhere for a while.
New England Patriots: Training Montage (HD) – YouTube
The only thing better than a training montage is one set to the Rocky IV soundtrack.
You don’t normally equate the word “dominant” with the tight end position. Gronkowski changed that perception last season. His 17 touchdown catches (an NFL TE record) led the entire league. I asked an opposing defensive coach about trying to slow down Gronk. “It’s helpless; there is nothing you can do.” This coach went on to […]