Today marks the fifth anniversary of Technically I started blogging about the Pats in December of 2007 and the PatsPropaganda twitter handle was born in April of 2009 before everything became consolidating in this Tumblr blog on April 20, 2010.
Obviously it was a great year for the blog and not just because the Pats won the Super Bowl. Our partnerships with NRG and Verizon Wireless were a huge highlight, along with seeing two great Pats games live – Denver and San Diego.
I also finally made a pilgrimage to Patriots training camp. Not sure I’ve ever seen the Pats three times in one season before this.
There’s no slowdown in sight as we get ready for the 2015 schedule to be released tomorrow and then next week’s NFL draft. Soon training camp will be upon us!
Thanks to all the readers for the awesome support. I truly appreciate the kind messages that come in quite often from Pats fans around the world who enjoy the type of Pats coverage I try to provide here. Above everything else, connecting with all those fans is what makes this so enjoyable.
Here’s one of my favorite pictures from the season, combining Pats forces with a legendary trio of Jerry Thornton, Nick Stevens (aka Fitzy) and George Kipppenham (aka the other guy from the Shit Pats Fans Say videos).