WEEI.com’s Chris Price attempts the Patriots Conditioning Test (by WEEIVideo)
I’ve long wanted to attempt this but now that I see Chris dying I think I’m all set…
Here’s what Tedy Bruschi had to say about the linebacker version of the test:
Tedy: My test was three sets of ten 50-yard sprints. You had to complete each sprint in seven seconds, and you had 30 seconds in between each sprint. In between the three sets of ten 50-yard sprints, you got a break of three minutes. I would shorten the break in between sets to one-and-a-half minutes or two minutes. So then when it came time to the real test, and you had the three minutes of rest between sets, you were totally recovered. You get to know the pace. You have to control yourself not to go out too fast. It’s possible to run a 50-yard sprint in six seconds, but there is no reason to. The time was seven seconds for me and I made sure I made every single one in seven seconds on the nose. The coaches only want to see you PASS the test. The time for proving your worth will come during training camp practices. The first two sets of sprints can be passed by almost any professional athlete. That third set shows how much work you put in.